Discussion Paper New Series
No. | 著者 | タ イ ト ル | 発行年月 |
2024-1 | Motonori Yoshida | Increase of Non-Ricardian Households and Monetary-Policy Posture’s Changes in Japan | Mar-2024 |
2023-1 | 七條達弘・三谷羊平 | 未来のためのコミットメント ~国債を使った気候変動対策制度の分析~ | Feb-2023 |
2022-2 | 今井希 | 地域における計画的産業集積と非計画的産業集積との関わり | Dec-2022 |
2022-1 | Ziyan Wang・Kaori Fukayama・Bing Niu | Impact of Long-term Care Literacy on Satisfaction with Care Managers of Formal Care among the Older Adults in Japan | Mar-2022 |
2021-5 | Motonori Yoshida | Chronological Changes of Fiscal Policies and Fiscal Sustainability of the Japanese Public Sector | Dec-2021 |
2021-4 | Motonori Yoshida | How to Create Quarterly Fiscal Data on the Japanese Government Sectors | Dec-2021 |
2021-3 | 北居明・上野山達哉 | 「働きがい」をめぐるジレンマとアイロニー:「働きマン」たちそれぞれの事情 | Jul-21 |
2021-2 | Minoru Tachibana | Safe Haven Assets for International Stock Markets: A Regime-Switching Factor Copula Approach | Apr- 2021 |
2020-4 | 上野山 達哉 | 変わるマンガ業界と変わる/変わらぬ制作現場マンガ編集者とマンガ家への面接調査をもとに | Apr-2020 |
2020-3 | 鈴木 真・中山 雄司 | 有料老人ホームに対する選好構造分析 ー年代別分析ー | Mar-2020 |
2020-2 | Takeshi Yoshikawa | Co-opetitiveな混合寡占市場における民営化政策 | Mar-2020 |
2020-1 | Minoru Tachibana | Flight-to-quality in the stock-bond return relation:A regime-switching copula approach | Mar-2020 |
2019-3 | Motonori Yoshida | Is Japanese Public-Sector Finance Sustainable? | Oct-2019 |
2019-2 | 吉川丈・髭白晃宜 | 軌道法が適用される事業者の効率性分析 | Mar-2019 |
2019-1 | Takeshi Yoshikawa | Free Entry into a Co-opetitive Mixed Oligopoly | Mar-2019 |
2018-3 | Minoru Tachibana | Safe haven government bonds: Identification using a regime-switching copula model | Nov-2018 |
2018-2 | Motonori Yoshida | Is Japanese Local-Government Fiscal Management Sustainable? | July-2018 |
2018-1 | Tomohiko Noda | Union voice, workplace trust, and job satisfaction | Mar-2018 |
2017-4 | Minoru Tachibana | Relationship between stock and currency markets conditional on the US stock returns: A vine copula approach | Dec-2017 |
2017-3 | Vladyslav Nora and Hiroshi Uno | When Conflict Pays: Networks of Neighbors and Enemies | Mar-2017 |
2017-2 | Chi Han | Do Residential Supply Shocks Matter to Residential Price Movements in China?Evidence from an Estimated Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model | Mar-2017 |
2017-1 | Minoru Tachibana | Safe Haven and Hedge Currencies for the US, UK, and Euro Area Stock Markets: A Copula-Based Approach | Mar-2017 |
2016-7 | 谷垣 雅之・加藤 真也 | 移住者誘致による地域経済効果に関する考察 ー徳島県神山町サテライトオフィスプロジェクトを事例として― | Nov-2016 |
2016-6 | 谷垣 雅之 | 消滅可能性都市への移住者誘因に関する計量分析 | Oct-2016 |
2016-5 | Tatsuhiro Shichijo, Emiko Fukuda | Equal cost sharing for the good with network externalities | May-2016 |
2016-4 | 吉田 素教 | 政令指定都市と中核市財政の持続可能性 | Apr-2016 |
2016-3 | Tomohiko Noda | Enterprise Unions and Trustful Industrial Relations in Japan | Mar-2016 |
2016-2 | 立花 実・井上 仁・本多 佑三 | 量的緩和策の銀行貸出への効果 | Mar-2016 |
2016-1 | Hiroshi Uno | Hierarchical Adaptations | Mar-2016 |
2015-7 | Yoshinao Sahashi | Interval Dependent Preferences in the Random Matching Economy | Nov-2015 |
2015-6 | Yuji Nakayama, Motonari Kurasawa, Tatsuhiko Nariu | When Is Dynamic Pricing Profitable for a Seller in the Presence of Strategic Consumers? A Re-examination of Cachon and Swinney (2009) |
Mar-15 |
2015-5 | Shigeki Kano | Moment-based Specification Tests for Random Effects Dynamic Probit Models | Mar-15 |
2015-4 | Tomohiko NODA | Role of Unions in Trust Formation in Japan | Mar-15 |
2015-3 | Minoru Tachibana | Comparing the Macroeconomic Effects of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan | Mar-15 |
2015-2 | Masashi KONDO | A study of the methodology of Arthur Lyon Bowley and Alfred Marshall | Mar-15 |
2015-1 | Motonori Yoshida | Is Direct Underwriting of Public Bonds by the Central Bank an Effective Policy in Japan? | Feb-15 |
2013-6 | Shigeki Kano | Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations Approach for Panel Markov Dynamic Probit Models with Unrestricted Error Covariance | Sep-13 |
2013-5 | Yasutomo Murasawa | Bayesian Estimation of the Monthly Natural Rates,Gaps, and Real GDP with Mixed-Frequency Series | Apr-13 |
2013-4 | Yuji Nakayama | Opening a Direct Digital Channel: the Impact of Versioning on the Physical Product Market with Heterogeneous Retailers | Mar-13 |
2013-3 | 近藤 真司 | アーサー・レオン・ボウレイの統計学方法論-マーシャルの方法論の影響を中心にして- | Feb-13 |
2013-2 | Chi Han , Katsuhiro Miyamoto | Does the Monetary Policy Rule under Asymmetric Preferences Stimulate China’s Inflation to Be More Fluctuated? | Feb-13 |
2013-1 | Tomohiko Noda and Daisuke Hirano | The Effects of Inside Stakeholders on the Timing of Downsizing in Japanese Firms Revised Version | Jan-13 |
2012-1 | Minoru Tachibana | Policy Responses under Inflation Targeting:A VAR Analysis with Sign Restrictions | Feb-12 |
2011-4 | Chi Han , Katsuhiro Miyamoto | China’s Monetary Policy Rules and the Stability of Inflation | Sep-11 |
2011-3 | Tomohiko Noda | The Determinants in the Timing of Downsizing in Large Japanese Firms | Jun-11 |
2011-2 | Tomohiko Noda | The Unions’ Effects on Downsizing and Top Executives in Japan | Jun-11 |
2011-1 | Tomohiko Noda and Daisuke Hirano | The Effects of Inside Stakeholders on the Timing of Downsizing in Japanese Firms | Jun-11 |
2010-3 | Motonori Yoshida | Productive Efficiency and Production Factors Redundancy on Manufacturing Industries in Japan | Mar-11 |
2010-2 | 北居 明・三島 裕貴 | 時間の奥行きと目標志向性が進路決定の自己効力感に及ぼす影響 | Feb-11 |
2010-1 | MATSUKAWA Shigeru,Kumiko OKAMURA And Atsuhiro TAKI | Discretion in a Neoclassical Phillips Curve Model:An Explanation of Asymmetric Effects of Inflation Targeting* | Jul-10 |
2009-7 | Motonori Yoshida | Determinants Analysis of the Out-migration between Prefecture in Japan:From Socio-economic and Local Administration and Finance Standpoints | Mar-10 |
2009-6 | Hajime Kobayashi and Katsunori Ohta | Optimal Collusion under Imparfect Monitoring in Multimarket Contact | Dec-09 |
2009-5 | Hideki Nishioka | A Reconsideratioin of the Dynamic Laffer Curvein a Two-Sector Model of Endogenous Growth | Nov-09 |
2009-4 | Yasutomo Murasawa | Measuring Inflation Expectations Using Interval-Coded Data | Nov-09 |
2009-3 | Masashi Kondou | Layton on Industrial and Applied Economics | Nov-09 |
2009-2 | Akira Momota | The Nonstraightforward Relationship between Population Growth and Economic Welfare in a Neoclassical Growth Model- | Oct-09 |
2009-1 | 七條 達弘 | 電気自動車普及に関する一考察 | Oct-09 |
2008-5 | Tomohiko Noda and Hisashi Okamoto | The Determinants in the Timing of Downsizing in Large Japanese Films | Feb-09 |
2008-4 | 北居 明・田中 雅子 | 理念の浸透方法と浸透度の定量的分析1 -定着化と内面化- | Feb-09 |
2008-3 | MATSUKAWA Shigeru,Kumiko OKAMURA And Atsuhiro TAKI | Two Types of Discretin:Monetary Policy bofore 1979 and in the Greenspan Era | Mar-09 |
2008-2 | 七條 達弘 | Evolution of payoff-dependent Preferences | Dec-08 |
2008-1 | 近藤 真司 | ウォルター・レイトンの社会哲学 | Jul-08 |
2007-6 | 松川 滋 | Technical Appendix to Simple Recipe for Monetarists from Deflationary Activists | Dec-07 |
2007-5 | 村澤 康友 | Measuring the Natural Rates,Gaps,and Deviation Cycles | Oct-07 |
2007-4 | 吉田 素教 | Industrial Efficiency Evaluation and Improvement Measures of Regional Economy with Estimation of Industrial Production Function and DEA Method – In osaka Economy as an Example – | Nov-07 |
2007-3 | 鹿野 繁樹・村澤 康友 | 経済学の成績に対する数学学習の効果 | Sep-07 |
2007-2 | 近藤 真司 | ケンブリッジ学派におけるウォルター・レイトン -『物価研究入門』(初版)を中心として- | Aug-07 |
2007-1 | Wataru KUREISHI Midori WAKABAYASHI | Son Preference and Fertility in Japan | May-07 |
2006-3 | Wataru KUREISHI Midori WAKABAYASHI | When Does the Stork Bring the Baby? -Shotgun Babies vs. Non-Shotgun Babies- | Jan-07 |
2006-2 | 北居 明・田中 雅子 | 理念の浸透方法が及ぼす影響に対するコミットメントの媒介・仲介効果 | Oct-06 |
2006-1 | Wataru KUREISHI Midori WAKABAYASHI | Geography of the Family in Japan | Jul-06 |
2005-5 | Midori Wakabayashi | In the Eldest Son Different?The Residential Choice of Siblings of Japan | Mar-06 |
2005-4 | 木村 真・吉田 素教 | 三位一体改革による財政への影響と効果(改革期間:平成16~21年度) | Sep-05 |
2005-3 | Akira Momota | A Population-Macroeconomic Growth Model for Developing Countries: Towards the Achivement of Development Goals | Jul-05 |
2005-2 | Shigeki Kano | English Divide Has Begun: Estimating Causal Effects of English Proficiency on Earnings for Japanese Domestic Workers | Apr-05 |
2005-1 | Yasutomo Murasawa | Do Coincident Indicators Have One-Factor Structure? | Mar-05 |
2004-6 | Roberto S. Mariano and Yasutomo Murasawa | Constructing a Coincident Index of Business Cycles Without Assuming a One-Factor Model | Oct-04 |
2004-5 | Hajime Kobayashi and Katsunori Ohta | The Value of Imformation in Multimarket Contact | Oct-04 |
2004-4 | 木村 真・吉田 素教 | 三位一体改革のシュミレーション方法について | Oct-04 |
2004-3 | Hajime Kobayashi | Folk Theorem for Infinitely Repeated Games Played by Organizations with Short-Lived Members | Jul-04 |
2004-2 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Chin Han | The Development of Private Enterprises and the Struggle for Existence of State-owned Enterprises in a Transition Economy | Mar-04 |
2004-1 | 吉田 素教 | 足許の社会移動動向を反映した大阪府将来人口の推計‐平成12(2000)~42(2030)年‐ | Apr-04 |
2003-3 | 吉田 素教 | 基準財政需要の見直しによる地方交付税、国庫支出金への影響と各地方自治体財政へのインパクトについて | May-03 |
2003-2 | Yasutomo Murasawa | Statistical Foundation of the Composite Index | Apr-03 |
2003-1 | 加護野 忠男・吉村 典久・上野恭裕 | 日本企業の株式所有構造と経営者の属性-主要証券取引所に上場する全「製造」企業および「商業」に分類される企業にかんする実証分析- | Mar-03 |
2002-3 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Huangjin Liu | Difference and Convergence of Productivity Across China Provinces for Every Industry | Nov-02 |
2002-2 | 七條 達弘・小林 創 | 調整ゲームにおけるパレート最適な状態の実現方法-りんくうタウンの土地売却方法に関する一考察- | Sep-02 |
2002-1 | Yasutomo Murasawa and Kimio Morimune | Statistical Inference for Generalized Lorenz Dominance Based on Grouped Data : A Reconsideration | Sep-02 |
2001-3 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Chin Han | Consumption, Asset Returns, and Capital Mobility Tests | May-01 |
2001-2 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Chin Han | International Capital Mobility in Asian Economies:Evidence from Panel Data | May-01 |
2001-1 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Chin Han | Capital Controls and Macroeconomic Policies after the Asian Currency Crisis in China | Jan-01 |
2000-1 | Jinping Yu | Workers’incentives,Managers’Incentives and Productive Efficiency in China’s State-owned Enterprises | Sep-00 |
1999-1 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Jinping Yu | Macroeconomic Policy and Capital Accumulation in Transition Economies | Aug-99 |
1998-3 | 駿河 輝和・稲村 哲也・エンク チュルン | モンゴル国の市場移行過程における経済と企業 | May-98 |
1998-2 | 音川 和久 | 偶発事象会計と株価形成-建設会社の債務保証のケース- | Apr-98 |
1998-1 | Masashi Kondou | A composite Quasi-rent and Organic Growth on Marshall’s Economic | Apr-98 |
1997-5 | 音川 和久 | 不良債権の会計情報と株価形成 | Nov-97 |
1997-4 | 坂西 明子 | 市場構造とイノベーション:技術開発のゲーム-ライバルへの先制について- | Oct-97 |
1997-3 | Katsuhiro Miyamoto and Jinping Yu | Economic Transration:Comparing China With Russia | Jun-97 |
1997-2 | 松木 隆 | クロスセクションデータを用いた都市化の実証分析 | Apr-97 |
1997-1 | 松木 隆 | 中国におけるインフレーションの分析 | Apr-97 |
1996-3 | Gen’iti Suhama | The Calculation of Exact Finite Sample Distribution for the OLS Estimater of the parameter in AR(1) Model with a Unit Root | Oct-96 |
1996-2 | 駿河 輝和 | 日本の企業の雇用調整:企業利益と解雇 | Oct-96 |
1996-1 | 近藤 真司 | マーシャル経済学における進歩と自由 | Jan-96 |
1994-5 | 駿河 輝和・橋本 圭司 | 教育水準労働者と資本の代替関係について:日本の製造業部門別の場合 | Nov-94 |
1994-4 | 浅羽 良昌 | 小さな政府と経済発展 -アメリカの事例- | Oct-94 |
1994-3 | Nadezhda N.Mikheeva and Katsuhiro Miyamoto | Economic Development of the Far Eastern Russia and International Relations with Asia | Jul-94 |
1994-2 | 駿河 輝和 | 子供の費用の計測について:Equivalance Scale | Jun-94 |
1994-1 | Terukazu Suruga | The Effect Computerization on Employment in Japanese Banking | Jan-94 |